Introduction to Non-standard Charge-discharge Cycle Tests: Custom Current Profiles
IntroductionBatteries in electric vehicles discharge during acceleration and while maintaining vehicular speed. They are recharged during braking.
Knowing the exact specifications when testing batteries.
Complete List of Battery Research Application Notes »
IntroductionBatteries in electric vehicles discharge during acceleration and while maintaining vehicular speed. They are recharged during braking.
Authors: Markus Holzweber, Jie Sun and Pavel Mardilovich
Enerox GmbH, IZ NÖ-Süd Straße 3, Objekt M36, AT-2355 Wiener Neudorf, www. cellcube .
In this technical note, we take a look at low impedance batteries and how the Interface 5000E (IFC5000) performs when running EIS.
IntroductionSuper-capacitors are energy storage devices similar to secondary batteries. Unlike batteries, which use chemical reactions to store energy, super-capacitors generally store energy through the physical separation of electrical charges.
This application note is Part of 2 describing electrochemical techniques for energy-storage devices. It explains Gamry’s PWR800 measurement software and describes techniques to investigate electrochemical capacitors.
IntroductionPart 1 - "CV, EIS and Leakage Current" - of this series of notes discusses basic theory of capacitors and describes several techniques to investigate electrochemical capacitors.
IntroductionFor those interested in determining the characteristics of batteries, especially by discharging them to see their changes in impedance, Gamry Instruments offers the Reference™ 3000 potentiostat plus our 30k Booster.
Purpose of This NoteThis application note discusses electrochemical measurements on lithium-ion batteries. Theory and general setup of lithium-ion batteries are explained. Important parameters for characterizing batteries are described.
Dual-cell CR2032 and 18650 Battery HolderIntroductionKnowing the exact specifications when testing batteries or any other energy-storage device is crucial. Many parameters affect the capability of a battery, e. g.