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Lithium Battery Materials Cell


The Lithium Battery Electrochemical Cell Kit has been designed for electrochemical testing of lithium battery materials.  The electrodes and holders are designed to hold foils and electrode materials in different configurations as explained below. 


Product Details

The electrochemical cell kit has been designed for electrochemical testing of lithium battery materials. The electrodes and holders are designed to hold foils and electrode materials in different configurations. The cell was designed to provide an air-tight seal on three of the joints using the specially tapered PTFE joints. The fourth joint can be used for other accessories or measurements. A ground glass stopper is included but it is recommended that you use a little silicon grease or PTFE sleeve to ensure an air-tight seal.  

The main purpose of this was to allow for cell assembly inside a glovebox followed by removal for electrochemical testing outside the glovebox.

The Half Cell configuration (990-00344) consists of one large foil holder (for circular samples, opening diameter is 8.5 mm) and two small Lithium wire/foil holders (opening diameter is 1.75 mm).  One wire acting as a reference and another wire acting as a counter electrode.  This cell setup is useful for testing of anode or cathode materials, individually, that have been mounted on a foil electrode.

The Full Cell configuration (990-00343) consists of two large foil holders (for circular samples, opening diameter is 8.5 mm) and one small Lithium wire/foil holder (opening diameter is 1.75 mm).  This setup is useful for testing materials that are mounted onto foils such as Al or Cu. The foil/substrate is secured against the stainless contact using the electrode cap.

The Standard Cell configuration (990-00342) consists of two 1.5 mm substrate holders and one small Lithium wire/foil holder (opening diameter is 1.75 mm).  Each substrate holder is meant to hold a substrate for immersion in the electrolyte.

The materials of these kits have been designed for easy disassembling and cleaning.  Note that volatile corrosive solvents may corrode the substrate holders.  O-rings are made from Viton.  Please check chemical compatibility charts before using with strong or corrosion solvents.  

Cell Configurations


Four port glass cell 930-00060
Cell stand 935-00082
1X Foil electrode holder (large) 935-00085
2X Foil electrode holder (small)  935-00084
14/20 Ground Glass stopper  935-00093
Manual  988-00032


Four port glass cell 930-00060
Cell stand 935-00082
2X Foil electrode holder (large) 935-00085
1X Foil electrode holder (small)  935-00084
14/20 Ground Glass stopper  935-00093
Manual  988-00032


Four port glass cell 930-00060
Cell stand 935-00082
2X Substrate holder 935-00083
1X Foil electrode holder (small)  935-00084
14/20 Ground Glass stopper  935-00093
Manual  988-00032

Cell Volume - up 25 mL



Lithium Battery Materials Standard Cell Kit (#990-00342) Lithium Battery Materials Full Cell Kit (#990-00343) Lithium Battery Materials Half Cell Kit (#990-00344)

Accessories available for the Lithium Battery Cell include: