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Featured Conference

March 15-19, 2020
Houston, TX
CORROSION is the world’s largest conference and exposition on corrosion and this year Gamry is pleased to take part in a symposium, focusing on Electrochemical Measurements, planned for Sunday March 15, 2020.
David Loveday, Ph.D will be presenting an “Introduction to Linear Polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”. The symposium is a one-day event from 9am-5pm CST.
In Other News
David will also be speaking at the upcoming meeting of PSCT (Pittsburgh Society for Coatings Technology) on November 11th. The topic will be "Evaluation of Coatings with EIS and Other Electrochemical Methods". If you are a memeber, please register for the dinner at the web site PaintSociety.com
Featured Article
Measurement & Discussion of The Accuracy Contour Plot
This application note discusses the Accuracy Contour Plot (ACP). The ACP gives the user valuable information about a potentiostat’s EIS performance and accuracy. It allows the user to compare the EIS capability of any potentiostat.
Tips from Technical Support
Getting Started with Your First Experiment:
Cyclic Charge Discharge
Our latest Technical Note addresses a question we have been getting quite often which deals with Performing Analysis on the
Cyclic Charge Discharge data, and the experimental summary file.
To read the entire note, visit the Technical Support section of our web site Your First Experiment: Cyclic Charge Discharge.
We have created a PDF version for you to download as well.
Read the complete Tech Note
Download the Tech Note in PDF