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Echem Newsletter - Spring 2018

eChem newsletter Sping 2018

EIS short course 2018 Houston, TX
EIS Short Course Dates Announced

The 30th Annual Short Course on
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
When:  November 5-9, 2018
Where:  Houston, TX
The course is designed for scientists and engineers from industry, government, and academia who have had no prior experience with EIS. Since the range of information presented is from an introductory to advanced level, this course will also be of interest to those who already have experience with EIS and wish to learn and discuss more advanced topics. An understanding of basic chemistry and physics is requisite, and an understanding of basic electrochemistry will be beneficial.

PlugVolt Battery Seminar 2018

Spring ECS2018 ecs 233rd
When:  May 13-18, 2018
Where: Seattle, WA
Tips from Technical Support
Reference Electrode Overview and Care

Gamry sells the Saturated Calomel Reference Electrode and Silver-Silver Chloride Reference Electrode.  Proper care must be taken to ensure that your electrode continues to take accurate measurements.  The tip of the reference electrode is porous glass frit or electro porous KT glass (opaque white).  The frit allows ionic transport into the electrode.  In order to operate properly the frit must always be kept wet with electrolyte.