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NACE Corrosion 2020
March 15-19, 2020 ~ Houston, TX
ACS National Meeting & Expo
March 22-26, 2020 ~ Philadelphia, PA
International Battery Seminar & Exhibit
March 30-April 2, 2020 ~ Orlando, FL
237th ECS Meeting
May 10-15, 2020 ~ Montréal, Canada
New Paper
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy based voltage modeling of lithium Thionyl Chloride (Li/SOCl2) primary battery at arbitrary discharge
Tips from Technical Support
Cable-Capacitance Correction
What is it? Why do we care?
Consider this example of digital data pulses represented by a square wave with near-vertical rises and falls entering one end of a coaxial cable, a cable with a high capacitance slows these voltage transitions so that they come out of the cable’s opposite end looking more like saw-teeth. The end result is a distortion of the signal—and your data.
Example of what happens to the signal when a
square wave (purple) is passed through a coaxial cable (blue)
Controlling Cable Capacitance
A lot of research goes into minimizing the cable capacitance. Some ways to accomplish this include increasing the wall thickness of the insulation, decreasing the conductor diameter, or using insulation with a lower dielectric constant.
But another way to handle this problem is via software correction.
Read the article and look at some examples