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Interface 5000P

The Interface 5000P™ is designed for single-cell testing of batteries, fuel cells or any other energy device.  It can perform charge, discharge, cyclic charge discharge, read cell voltage, self-discharge, and leakage rate.

Key features include:

  • Dual Electrometer
  • Maximum Applied Potential - ±6 V
  • Maximum Current - +/- 5A
  • EIS - 10 μHz - 20 kHz

For techniques including:

  • EIS
  • Electrochemical Energy
  • Physical Electrochemistry

An in the field upgrade to an Interface 5000E is available.

System Highlights

Interface 5000P

The Gamry Interface 5000P is designed for people doing cell-level testing of various energy storage and conversion devices.  It even includes capabilities for monitoring both half cell voltages in addition to the whole cell voltage during an experiment.  Imagine the time savings in being able to characterize both half cells and the full cell in the same experiment.  

Characterizing Both Half Cells

The Interface 5000P has the ability to monitor both half cells during experiments. Dual electrometers measure the potential of the anode and cathode in addition to the full cell voltage when used with an embedded reference electrode.

dual electrometers for monitoring both anode and cathode, in addition to the full
(Click image to Enlarge)


The Interface 5000P also comes in a more advanced model, the Interface 5000E.  This model provides full capabilities for all application areas.  An in the field upgrade is available to upgrade an Interface 5000P to an Interface 5000E.  Contact us for details regarding upgrades.

Need More Capabilities?  See the Interface 5000E

More Details

Below are additional details regarding the capabilities of the Interface 5000P galvanostat. Each bullet point contains a list of the type of techniques available for the instrument to run.

Other details

  • 2, 3, 4 and 5 electrode measurements
  • Measure both half cell voltages in addition to the full cell voltage
  • Electrical Isolation
    • Floating instrument: use with autoclaves, mechanical stress apparatus, or pipeline probes.
  • Portable
    • Size of a chemistry textbook, weighing only 2.5 kgs. Easy USB 2.0 connection to a Windows computer.
  • Built-In EIS
    • On-board DDS to perform EIS from 10 µHz to 20 kHz. 
  • DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Mode
    • Oversamples for improved signal-to-noise and accurate capacitance measurements.
  • Current Interrupt iR Compensation
    • Gamry potentiostats and their controlling software use control loop algorithms to accurately measure and correct for uncompensated resistance.
  • Auxiliary I/O
    • Control additional equipment via additional I/O interfaces: external signal input, analog voltage output, analog current output, auxiliary A/D input, and digital I/O connector.
    • RTD temperature probe measurement
  • Warranty
    • Protected by 2-year factory service warranty.




Cell Connections 2, 3, 4 or 5
Maximum Current ±5 A
Current Ranges 6 (50 μA - 5 A)
Current Ranges
(including internal gain)
Minimum Current Resolution 15 pA
Maximum Applied Potential ±6 V
Rise Time <1 μs
Minimum Time Base 10 μs
Noise and Ripple <20 μV rms


Compliance Voltage ±6.5V
Output Current >±5 A
Speed Settings 5
Unity Gain Bandwidth 1050, 250, 43, 4.4, 0.5 kHz


EIS 10 μHz - 20 kHz
Current AC Amplitude 5 A maximum


Input Impedance >1012 Ω || <2 pF
Input Current (typical) <25 pA
Bandwidth >12 MHz at -3 dB
CMRR >98 dB (10 kHz)
>88dB (100 kHz)


Applied Accuracy    ±1 mV ±0.2% of setting
Applied Resolution 200 μV, 50 μV, 12.5 μV/bit
Measured Accuracy ±0.5 mV ±0.2% of reading
Measured Resolution 200 μV, 20 μV, 2 μV/bit


Applied/Measured Accuracy ±25 pA ±0.05% of range ±0.2% of value
Applied/Measured Resolution 0.0033% full-scale/bit
Bandwidth >5 MHz (5 mA)



Simple to use. Great tech support.

Rating: 5.0 5 Out of 5 Stars

Organization: Cleantek Inc

Application Area: Analyze high capacity LeFePO4 batteries

"The Interface 5000P is a great instrument, and the software utilities, such as Echem Analyst, are easy and intuitive to use. The model editor is a simple but powerful tool to create a model of you test subject, and the parameter fitting capability is amazing. The experiments are easy to set up in Framework and you get results quickly."

Reviews provided by SelectScience