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Understanding the galvanic corrosion of the Q-phase/Al couple using SVET and SIET

By Ikeuba, Alexander I.; Zhang, Bo; Wang, Jianqiu; Han, En-Hou; Ke, Wei
Published in Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019


The galvanic corrosion of the Q-phase/Al couple in 0.1 M NaCl solutions has been studied using the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), the scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The galvanic corrosion of the Q-phase/Al couple was found to be dependent on pH and immersion time. Current density maps obtained by SVET shows that the anodic oxidation processes emerge from Al in a localized manner in pH 2 and 6 solutions but is initiated in a uniform manner in pH 13 solution, whereas, the cathodic processes are more homogeneously distributed over the Q-phase at pH 2, 6 and 13. It is seen that the Q-phase remains cathodic in the Q-phase/Al couple in acidic, neutral and alkaline solutions indicating that the galvanic polarity of the Q-phase is independent of pH. The effect of the galvanic corrosion was largest at pH 2 and 13 compared to pH 6. The pH map obtained by SIET indicates that the galvanic activity of the Q-phase/Al couple proceeds via heavy alkalization of the Q-phase surface with the generation of appreciable amounts of OH? ions. The enrichment of Cu indicated by EDX is responsible for the observed cathodic activity of the Q-phase in the Q-phase/Al couple.

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