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Influence of transverse cracks and interfacial damage on corrosion of steel in concrete with and without fiber hybridization

By Hay, Rotana; Ostertag, Claudia P.
Published in Corrosion Science 2019


This study aims to correlate the role of transverse cracks and their associated interfacial steel-concrete damage on corrosion activity of steel reinforcing bars embedded in plain and hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete. Both the transverse cracks and the interfacial damage were artificially induced in a controlled manner. Corrosion rates and corrosion damage were found to increase with the presence of the transverse crack and were further aggravated by the interfacial disturbance. The inclusion of hybrid fibers in concrete reduced the corrosion activity and mass loss of the reinforcing bars and limited the propagation and opening of the corrosion induced splitting cracks.

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