Pt supported on mesoporous material for methanol and ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium
By Ruiz-Camacho, B.; Medina-Ram
Published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Pt nanoparticles supported on a mesoporous material of zeolite Faujasite-C composite is a highly active catalyst for methanol and ethanol oxidation in alkaline media. Pt was synthesized by a simple methodology of chemical reduction using ultrasound method. Faujasite-C composite was prepared by sol-gel method using fly ash as economic precursor. Pt/Faujasite-C was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy to investigate its structure, morphology, composition and size. The electrochemical activity of catalyst towards methanol and ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry techniques. The results obtained were compared with Pt/C synthesized and tested at the same conditions. According to TEM results Pt/Faujasite-C electrocatalyst exhibits a higher Pt agglomeration compared to Pt/C. Pt/Faujasite-C is more active for alcohol oxidation reactions compared to Pt/C. Pt electrocatalysts are more active for ethanol oxidation than methanol oxidation. Chronoamperometric results indicated that Pt deactivation by intermediate poisoning is more severe for ethanol than methanol. Pt/Faujasite-C can be used as anodic electrocatalyst in direct liquid fuel cells.