High voltage resistance ceramic coating fabricated on titanium alloy for insulation shielding application
By Wang, Shuqi; Wang, Yaming; Cui, Yi; Zou, Yongchun; Wu, Yunfeng; Chen, Guoliang; Jia, Dechang; Zhou, Yu
Published in Ceramics International
To endow the insulation shielding of electromechanical devices, a TiO2 based ceramic coating with high voltage resistance was fabricated on titanium alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). The effects of PEO coatings with different phase composition and microstructure on insulation performance were determined. The results show that the ceramic coating formed in the silicate-based solution was mainly composed of rutile, anatase TiO2 and Al2TiO5. As the coating thickens from 10 to 36