Hydrogen titanates acting as inhibitor reservoirs and application in epoxy coatings
By Mao, Junwei; He, Xiaohong; Cao, Ziyi; Tang, Yongming
Published in Progress in Organic Coatings
Two hydrogen titanate matrices, H2Ti4O9 (T1) and HxTi2-x/4?x/4O4 (T2), were prepared as the inhibitor reservoirs. In ethanol solutions the inhibitive molecules, dodecylamine (DA) and 2-aminomethyl benzimidazole (ABI), can be stored in the interlayer spaces of the two matrices, respectively, and in aqueous media they are extracted to function as effective inhibitors. In comparison to DA into T1, the intercalation of ABI into T2 is relatively more difficult and the extraction of ABI in aqueous media is also incomplete. The epoxy coatings containing the inhibitor-modified titanate matrices exhibit good self-repairing performance. Electrochemical tests show that the coating containing ABI-modified titanates works better in self-repairing performance than that containing DA-modified titanates.