Acceptor-doped La1.9M0.1Ce2O7 (M = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y, In) proton ceramics and in-situ formed electron-blocking layer for solid oxide fuel cells applications
By Zhang, Bo; Zhong, Zhibing; Tu, Taiping; Wu, Kewen; Peng, Kaiping
Published in Journal of Power Sources
In the present work, La1.9M0.1Ce2O7 (M = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y, In) powders are synthesized by citric acid-nitrate sol-gel combustion method. The effects of the acceptor dopant on the phase structure, microstructure and electrical properties of La1.9M0.1Ce2O7 ceramics are investigated. All La1.9M0.1Ce2O7 ceramics possess a single-phase fluorite structure. It turns out that the In-doped ceramic exhibits the highest electrical conductivity of 0.82