Compositional optimization of ceramic composite electrodes without metal catalysts for steam and CO2 electrolysis
By Erdienzy, Anggia; Yoon, Sung-Eun; Parveen, Asrafali Shakila; Park, Jong-Sung
Published in Ceramics International
Several cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells with mixed electronic and ionic conductivity were applied to the feed-side electrode for steam and CO2 electrolysis; the feed-side electrode was exposed to a reducing atmosphere and carbon dioxide, and the feasibility of using a ceramic composite electrode without any metal catalysts was investigated. Ceramic composite electrodes composed of La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 (LSF), or La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSM) were fabricated using the infiltration method. LSF showed good chemical stability but low electrical conductivity in co-electrolysis mode. LSM showed a good electrical conductivity, but its chemical stability was poor in co-electrolysis mode. Good chemical stability, high electrical conductivity, and good electrode performance could be obtained from a solid solution of LSF and LSM (La0.8Sr0.2Mn0.5Fe0.5O3, LSMF). The electrode performance of LSMF was almost twice as good as that of La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 (LSCM).