Chloride-induced reinforcing steel corrosion in ternary concretes containing fly ash and untreated sugarcane bagasse ash
By Franco-Luj
Published in Construction and Building Materials
The corrosion of reinforced ternary concretes containing fly ash (FA) and untreated sugarcane bagasse ash (UtSCBA) was evaluated. Chloride-ion diffusion at 28 and 90 days, as well as microstructural properties, percentage of voids, and compressive strength (CS) in cylinders were evaluated at 2500 days of age. Moreover, corrosion was monitored in prismatic specimens exposed to a NaCl solution by corrosion potentials and linear polarization resistance techniques. Results show that the combination of FA plus UtSCBA decreased the chloride-ion diffusion and did not affect the compressive strength (CS) of the concrete. For the studied concretes, the combination of FA plus UtSCBA appears a suitable option against chloride-induced corrosion.