Effect of Al and Ag dopants on the corrosion resistance of the AISI 316L-YSZ system
By Amado, M. Moreno; Alfonso, J. E.; Florez, J. J. Olaya
Published in Ceramics International
We present results for the deposition of coatings of zirconium stabilized with Yttria (YSZ) and doped with aluminum and silver. The coatings were grown from an YSZ ceramic target symmetrically covered with metallic (Al, Ag) pieces on AISI 316L steel substrates, via the RF sputtering technique. The microstructure of the coatings was characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), the chemical composition was determined through X-ray dispersive energy (EDX) analysis, and the electrochemical response was evaluated via impedance (EIS) and Tafel corrosion techniques. The XRD analysis showed that the coatings exhibited peaks belonging to the target material, dopant elements, and oxides such as Al2O3. Electrochemical analysis indicated an increase in the corrosion resistance of the coatings grown on aluminum oxide.