Experimental and DFT study of CoCuMo ternary ionic activator for alkaline HER on Ni cathode
By Maslovara, Sladjana; Ani?ijevi?, Dragana Vasi?; Brkovi?, Sne
Published in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
In this work, nickel (Ni) cathode for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline medium, was modified by a combination of in situ ionic activators, based on three d-metals (Co, Cu and Mo). Catalytic performance of new Co-Cu-Mo cathode was improved compared to pure Ni in view of both increased HER reaction rate and improved energy efficiency - reduction of energy consumption of a model electrolytic cell by 15%. We discussed obtained results in comparison with previously investigated similar systems (Ni-Co-Mo and Ni-Cu-Mo). In addition, we perform a detailed surface characterization by a series of experimental techniques (XRF, XRD, SEM, profilometry and EIS) and employ DFT calculations to provide a more detailed discussion of the origin of obtained catalytic performance.