Understanding the relation between pitting corrosion resistance and phase fraction of S32101 duplex stainless steel
By Ha, Heon-Young; Lee, Tae-Ho; Lee, Chang-Geun; Yoon, Hanme
Published in Corrosion Science
The relation between phase fraction and pitting corrosion resistance of S32101 duplex stainless steel was interpreted by considering the stable and metastable pitting potential and galvanic corrosion rate of the duplex-phased matrix. As the ferrite fraction increased, the potential for the stable pitting corrosion was linearly decreased which was found to be closely related to the increase in the galvanic corrosion rate between the two constituent phases. It was also revealed that the pit propagation rate was more important than the pit initiation probability in determining the overall pitting corrosion resistance of the S32101 duplex stainless steel.