Sandwich-like Sn/SnO2@Graphene anode composite assembled by fortissimo penetration of ?-ray and interlamellar limitation of graphene oxide
By Jiang, Wanwei; Wang, Wei; Liu, Liangsen; Wang, Haibo; Xu, Zhiwei; Li, Fengyan; Fu, Hongjun; Lv, Hanming; Chen, Lei; Kang, Yifan
Published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds
In developing high-performance electrode materials for ion batteries, manifold methods to assemble definite structures of graphene-SnOx composite anodes are presented. Here we have firstly put forward an efficient strategy based on fortissimo penetration from ?-ray irradiation to assemble graphene and Sn/SnO2 composite, which is formed by a large-scale and simple synthesis method. And uniform SnO2 and Sn nanoparticles sandwiched between graphene sheets (sandwich-like Sn/SnO2 @ graphene composite) are fabricated due to the synergism of interlamellar limitation of graphene oxide and ultra-strong penetration and high energy of ?-ray, which help to improve conductivity of Sn/SnO2 and can prevent Sn/SnO2 agglomeration and volume expansion due to graphene sheets buffed. High initial capacity about 2970.3 mAh g?1 and stable cycle performance are exhibited. This facile method has potential prospects to offer an attractive alternative approach for preparation of metal nanoparticles/graphene composite as high performance electrodes for Li/Na-ion batteries.