Crevice corrosion and environmentally assisted cracking of high-strength duplex stainless steels in simulated concrete pore solutions
By Moser, Robert D.; Singh, Preet M.; Kahn, Lawrence F.; Kurtis, Kimberly E.; Ni
Published in Construction and Building Materials
This paper presents a study of crevice corrosion and environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) mechanisms in UNS S32205 and S32304 which were cold drawn to tensile strengths of approximately 1300 MPa. The study utilized a combination of electrochemical methods and slow strain rate testing to evaluate EAC susceptibility. UNS S32205 was not susceptible to crevice corrosion in stranded geometries at Cl? concentrations up to 1.0 M in alkaline and carbonated simulated concrete pore solutions. UNS S32304 did exhibit a reduction in corrosion resistance when tested in a stranded geometry. UNS S32205 and S32304 were not susceptible to stress corrosion cracking at Cl? concentrations up to 0.5 M in alkaline and carbonated solutions but were susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement with cathodic overprotection.