Rational synthesis of ternary PtIrNi nanocrystals with enhanced poisoning tolerance for electrochemical ethanol oxidation
By Ahmad, Yahia H.; Mohamed, Assem T.; Youssef, Khaled M.; Kundu, Subhajit; Mkhoyan, K. Andre; Al-Qaradawi, Siham Y.
Published in Electrochemistry Communications
The development of highly efficient and durable anode materials for ethanol electro-oxidation remains a challenge. Herein, we report the synthesis of Pt1?x?yIrxNiy nanocrystals via one-step procedure by ultrasonic-assisted co-reduction of the metal precursors using ascorbic acid as a mild reducing agent and pluronic F127 as a structure directing agent. The catalytic performance of this ternary catalyst towards electrochemical oxidation of ethanol was examined and compared to its mono and binary Pt counterparts (Pt, Pt1?xIrx, and Pt1?yNiy) that are synthesized by the same method. TEM analysis showed a porous nanodendritic structure for the synthesized ternary electrocatalyst with an average size of 20