The initial characteristics of the polypyrrole based aqueous rechargeable batteries with supercapattery characteristics
By Grgur, Branimir N.; Jana?kovi?, Marija; Jugovi?, Branimir Z.; Gvozdenovi?, Milica M.
Published in Materials Science and Engineering: B
The electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole (PPy) is investigated as a possible active material of the low-cost aqueous based secondary power sources in combination with zinc, lead oxide, and lead sulfate. The discharge capacity of the polypyrrole in the chloride-based electrolyte (for the Zn|PPy cell) is in the range 110 mAh g?1 of PPy, while in the sulfate-based electrolyte ?150 mAh g?1 of PPy (for the PbSO4|PPy and PPy|PbO2 cells), which is close to the theoretically calculated values. Electrochemical and electrical parameters, reactions in the cells, specific capacity, specific capacitance, energy, and power, for the Zn|PPy, PPy|PbO2 and PbSO4|PPy cells are determined. In addition, the energy efficiency, for the considered systems is estimated. Obtained values of the specific power and energy, could classified investigated systems as a battery type hybrid superacapacitors or