Plasma milling modified Sb2S3-graphite nanocomposite as a highly reversible alloying-conversion anode material for lithium storage
By Liu, Yuxuan; Lu, Zhongchen; Cui, Jie; Liu, Hui; Liu, Jun; Hu, Renzong; Zhu, Min
Published in Electrochimica Acta
Poor reversibility of conversion and alloying reactions for Sb2S3 limits its application as high capacity anode for rechargeable lithium storage. Herein a facile high-efficiency plasma assisted milling (P-milling) was used to create Sb2S3-C hybrid nanostructure with disk-like Sb2S3 nanograins wrapped within ultrathin graphite nanosheets. Benefiting from the high structure stability and excellent Li+ ion diffusion kinetics in the graphite wrapped Sb2S3 nanostructure, highly reversible conversion and alloying reactions are maintained throughout the long-term cycles. The Sb2S3-C nanocomposite anode demonstrates a high stable capacity of 638.2 mA h g?1 after 250 cycles at 200 mA g?1 between 0.01 and 3.0 V vs. Li/Li+, with a high initial Coulombic efficiency of 78.3%. A reversible capacity of 496.1 mA h g?1 is obtained after 500 cycles even at higher current rate of 1 A g?1, much superior to those of the unmilled Sb2S3-C and P-milled Sb2S3 anodes. These demonstrate that P-milling could be a promising strategy to create high performance metal chalcogenide anode materials involved both conversion and alloying reactions toward lithium storage.