Textile-based RGO-muffled cobalt (II, III) oxide hybrid nano-architectures for flexible energy storage device
By Howli, Promita; Panigrahi, Karamjyoti; Mitra, Anuradha; Das, Nirmalya Sankar; Chattopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar
Published in Applied Surface Science
Recent century is enduring a passionate development of hardback electronic devices that promised to be more reliable power sources with higher energy density and long-term stability. To push up the energy density limit of solid-state symmetric supercapacitor (SSC) devices here we report RGO-muffled cobalt (II, III) oxide nanowires hybrid nanostructures as a potential aspirant in the field of flexible and portable electronics. The eco-friendly chemical route was followed to synthesize RGO enfolded cobalt (II, III) oxide nanowires on flexible carbon fabric substrate (CONW-RGO), which disclosed prevailing electrochemical performances rather than cobalt (II, III) oxide nanowires on flexible carbon fabric (CONW). The specific capacitance of CONW-RGO electrode we achieved 1110 F/g at current density 1 A/g, measured in 3-electrode configuration. Also solid state symmetric device performances were investigated which provide extensive potential window of 0 to 1.5 V. As-fabricated device dispensed higher energy and power density 34.78 Wh/kg (0.214 mWh/cm3) and 3.6 kW/kg (23 mW/cm3) respectively and exhibited outstanding cyclic performance by retaining 86.4% capacitance after 10,000 cycles. This is the very first time report of using CONW-RGO electrode as binder-free flexible SSC device with moderately widen potential window.