Gold nanorod-polyaniline composites: Synthesis and evaluation as anode electrocatalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells
By Milikić, Jadranka; Stamenović, Una; Vodnik, Vesna; Ahrenkiel, Scott P.; Šljukić, Biljana
Published in Electrochimica Acta
Two gold nanorod-polyaniline (Au-PANI) composites with different contents of Au were prepared by two methods. An ex situ method, in the presence of preformed gold nanorods (AuNRs) and in situ one, when an AuNRs and PANI matrix is produced simultaneously, were used. Both methods were performed in immiscible water/toluene biphasic system as a simple interfacial polymerization process. Optical, structural and morphological characteristics of the formed nanocomposites were identified. It was found that AuNRs are embedded in the conducting emeraldine salt form of PANI. Nanocomposites containing 2.0 and 28.9 wt% of Au were subsequently systematically studied for borohydride oxidation reaction (BOR) for potential application in direct borohydride-peroxide fuel cell (DBPFC). Reaction parameters: number of electrons exchanged, order of reaction and activation energy, were evaluated. Both Au-PANI nanocomposites showed activity for BOR. A laboratory DBPFC was tested reaching specific peak power density of 184 Wg-1 at 65 °C with Au-PANI 1 nanocomposite (containing only 2.0 wt% of Au) as anode.