Effect of homogenization and hot rolling on the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion behavior of U–10Mo monolithic fuel
By Prabhakaran, Ramprashad; Gardner, Levi; Joshi, Vineet; Burkes, Douglas; Lavender, Curt
Published in Journal of Nuclear Materials
Corrosion behavior is an important consideration in the fuel qualification process. No prior study comprehensively evaluated the corrosion behavior of uranium-10 wt percent (wt%) molybdenum alloy for use in U.S. High Performance Research Reactors with the current composition, thermomechanical processing methods, dimension, cladding material, interface, research reactor water chemistry, temperature, and flow conditions. Hence, this work was performed to obtain baseline information about the corrosion behavior of DU-10Mo (depleted uranium-10 wt% molybdenum) alloy as a function of fabrication parameters (homogenization and hot rolling) using deionized water in a non-flow condition at 23 °C and 75 °C. Electrochemical and immersion corrosion testing were performed to determine the corrosion behavior of DU-10Mo hot-rolled foils. Microhardness testing, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were performed to evaluate the effect of fabrication parameters on DU-10Mo.