The significant role of stabilized colloidal ZrO2 nanoparticles for corrosion protection of AA2024
By Elbasuney, Sherif; Gobara, Mohamed; Zoriany, Mahmoud; Maraden, Ahmed; Naeem, Ibrahim
Published in Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
This study reports on the facile synthesis of colloidal ZrO2 nanoparticles with consistent product quality using continuous hydrothermal synthesis. ZrO2 demonstrated particles of 10 nm average particle size using TEM. XRD diffractogram demonstrated high crystalline structure. The fabricated colloidal particles did not flocculate with time. Zeta potential measurement demonstrated stable colloidal particles with Zeta value of +38.5 mV. Colloidal ZrO2 particles as corrosion inhibitor could offer a new approach, where extensive surface area and reactivity can be achieved. The effectiveness of colloidal ZrO2 as a corrosion inhibitor for AA2024 in artificial sea water was evaluated using potentiodynamic polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscope. ZrO2 nanoparticles improved the corrosion resistance of AA2024 by blocking the intermetallic sites on the metal surface. Consequently colloidal ZrO2 nanoparticles effectively reduced the corrosion rate of AA2024 in the artificial sea water; the corrosion current density of AA2024 was reduced sharply. Inhibition efficiency of 93.6% was achieved. Additionally ZrO2 could act as cathodic inhibitor by suppressing the dealloying of the intermetallic particles. Thanks to hydrothermal processing that offers effective fabrication of novel stable colloidal corrosion inhibitor where extensive surface area and reactivity were accomplished.