Highly efficient direct electron transfer bioanode containing glucose dehydrogenase operating in human blood
By Gineitytė, Justina; Meškys, Rolandas; Dagys, Marius; Ratautas, Dalius
Published in Journal of Power Sources
Energy generation from bodily fluids (i. e. blood) is a significant challenge, which could be solved by designing high-performance direct electron transfer (DET) enzymatic electrodes. In this paper we report a highly efficient enzymatic DET bioanode based on glucose dehydrogenase, which is uniquely wired to polyaniline, gold nanoparticles and cysteamine modified gold electrode. The designed electrode demonstrates an exceptional performance by generating high chronoamperometric current density reaching 1 mA cm−2 at 0.1 V vs. SCE in the presence of 5 mM glucose, while in human blood samples the electrode generates average current density of 0.65 mA cm−2 at 0.1 V vs. SCE, which is the highest ever reported. Moreover, the electrodes demonstrate a good stability retaining 79 % and 23 % of the initial activity after the constant operation for 24 h in buffer solutions and blood samples, respectively. The designed electrode opens new possibilities for the development of improved implantable low-power electronics.