The modeling of simultaneous three metals codeposition investigated by cyclic voltammetry
By Skitał, Piotr M.; Sanecki, Przemysław T.; Saletnik, Dorota
Published in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
A co-deposition of three metals as bismuth, lead, and cadmium in acetate buffer (pH=4.6) was studied using the cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The electroreduction process as a whole was recognized as electrocatalytic and analyzed in frames of the two-plate model. The model includes all of the coupled responses of the three electronation/deelectronation systems. It was demonstrated that the cyclic voltammetry technique and two-plate approach are sufficient to achieve a complete explanation of the considered co-deposition process. The applied two-plate model with included BET adsorption equation and obtained values of electrochemical kinetic parameters were validated and discussed. The specific role of the deposited bismuth layer in the whole co-deposition process was established.