Hydrogen effect on the passivation and crevice corrosion initiation of AISI 304L using Scanning Kelvin Probe
By Helbert, V. Shubina; Nazarov, A.; Vucko, F.; Rioual, S.; Thierry, D.
Published in Corrosion Science
Corrosion Science
Scanning Kelvin Probe was applied to study passivation of AISI 304 L stainless steel after cathodic polarisation. The rate of passivation in air decreased as a function of duration and current density. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy showed enrichment of the surface film by hydroxides of Fe (II) that was the result of hydrogen effusion from the bulk. SKP measured a decreased potential drop in the passive film. Pre-polarisation accelerates the crevice corrosion of steel in presence of chlorides. Using SKP mapping, increased hydrogen sub-surface concentration and lower level of passivity was observed in anodic zones of the crevice.