Corrosion behavior of Al-Si-Mg coated hot-press-forming steel
By Kim, Changkyu; Cho, Seongkoo; Yang, Wonseog; Karayan, Ahmad Ivan; Castaneda, Homero
Published in Corrosion Science
This study introduces enhanced corrosion performance of the Al-Si-Mg coated 22MnB5 boron steel. Structural changes of the coating after hot-dip-aluminizing and hot-press-forming processes with the presence of Mg included compacter surface with Mg segregation and thicker crack-free layer. Electrochemical corrosion tests indicated higher polarization resistance from the Al-Si-Mg sample compared to the reference Al-Si sample, especially in an early period of immersion. Such enhanced anti-corrosion performance can be attributed to the aforementioned structural changes and pore-filling effect of corrosion products. This study depicts that the Al-Si-Mg coating can be considered as another option for hot-press-forming steel by its enhanced barrier protection vs. Al-Si coating.