The effect of Mn2O3 nanoparticles on its specific capacitance of symmetric supercapacitors FC-ZnO-x(Mn2O3)
By Suryanti, L.; Suryani, S. E. I.; Hartatiek; Nasikhudin; Utomo, J.; Taufiq, A.; Suryana, R.; Aspanut, Z.; Diantoro, M.
Published in Materials Today: Proceedings
Supercapacitor is one of the energy storage devices with excellent properties. The functionalized carbon (graphene, and activated carbon), ZnO, and Mn2O3 are good materials which commonly used for supercapacitor electrodes. This study aims to determine the effect of Mn2O3 addition in the FC-ZnO-x(Mn2O3) system on the performance of the supercapacitor. The morphology of the FC-ZnO-x(Mn2O3) film was the porous film with the highest porosity of 81.67%. Along with the increasing mass addition of Mn2O3, the specific capacitance of the FC-ZnO-x(Mn2O3) supercapacitor increased exponentially from 1.07 to 3.46F/g and the energy density increased exponentially from 0.38 to 1.23 Wh/kg.