Developing Rhodobacter sphaeroides for cathodic biopolymer production
By Schmid, Ferdinand; Novion Ducassou, Julia; Couté, Yohann; Gescher, Johannes
Published in Bioresource Technology
In this work, Rhodobacter sphaeroides was identified as a potential cathodic production strain for photoautotrophic production processes. First, a stable cultivation in a bioelectrochemical system (BES) was established under conditions in which hydrogen produced by a poised cathode served as an electron donor. It was shown that both the introduction of a plasmid vector and exposure to the corresponding antibiotic selection pressure caused a strong improvement in both cathodic biofilm formation and electrochemical properties. A quantitative proteomic analysis identified key players in the molecular adaptation to biofilm growth on the cathodic surface. Furthermore, biofilm formation kinetics were quantified by optical coherence tomography measurements, which showed a strong tendency for biofilm formation together with a robust biofilm architecture. A media switch to N2-limited conditions resulted in increased cathodic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) accumulation, suggesting R. sphaeroides as a potential strain for photoautotrophic PHB production in future industrial applications.