Tribological and Corrosion Behavior of High Pressure Cold Sprayed Duplex 316 L Stainless Steel
By Ralls, Alessandro M.; Daroonparvar, Mohammedreza; Sikdar, Soumya; Rahman, Md Hafizur; Monwar, Momena; Watson, Kevin; Kay, Charles M.; Menezes, Pradeep L.
Published in Tribology International
In this work, the wear and corrosion behavior of high-pressure cold-sprayed (CS) 316 L stainless-steel (SS) was investigated and compared with traditional 316 L SS for pharmaceutical component repairing/refurbishing. It was observed that the CS deposit exhibited a compact microstructure with a greater percentage of the ferrite phase. The effect of CS also resulted in a refinement of crystallinity due to the localized adiabatic heating and stresses of the severely deformed particles. These effects translated to the reduced wear and friction observed from the CS deposit as it demonstrated a lesser degree of abrasive wear. Electrochemical tests also revealed that the CS sample had a relatively similar corrosion rate as the bulk sample with an enhanced re-passivation ability.