On the Integration of Dielectrometry into Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Obtain Characteristic Properties of a Dielectric Thin Film
By Benedikt Sapotta, Matthias Schwotzer, Christof Wöll, and Matthias Franzreb
Published in Electroanalysis
We demonstrate a novel impedimetric approach providing unprecedented insight into characteristic prop-erties of dielectric thin films covering electrode surfaces. The concept is based on the joint interpretation of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) together with dielectrometry (DEM) whose informative value is mutually interconnected. The advantage lies in the synergistic compensation of individual shortcomings adversely affecting conventional impedimetric analysis strat-egies relying exclusively on either DEM or the traditional EIS approach, which in turn allows a reliable determi-nation of thickness and permittivity values. The versatility of the method proposed is showcased by an in-situ growth-monitoring of a nanoporous, crystalline thin film (HKUST-1) on an interdigitated electrode geometry.