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The effect of felt compression on the performance and pressure drop of all-vanadium redox flow batteries

By Brown, Leon D.; Neville, Tobias P.; Jervis, Rhodri; Mason, Thomas J.; Shearing, Paul R.; Brett, Daniel J. L.
Published in Journal of Energy Storage 2016


Abstract The compression of carbon felt electrodes for redox flow batteries leads to changes in the electrochemical performance and has a large effect on the pressure drop of electrolyte flow through the system. In this investigation, the authors have characterised the electrochemical performance of all-vanadium redox flow batteries by studying the effect of compression on the contact resistance, polarisation behaviour and efficiency. Contact resistance was seen to reduce from ca. 2.0 ? cm2 to 1.2 ? cm2 and an energy efficiency of 85% was obtained from a felt compressed to 75%. Moreover, X-ray computed tomography (CT) has been employed to study the microstructure of felt electrodes at compressions up to 70%, showing a linear decrease in porosity and a constant fibre surface area-to-volume ratio. The pressure drop was modelled using computational fluid dynamics and employing the 3D structure of the felts obtained from CT, revealing that a 60% increase in compression related to a 44.5% increase in pressure drop.

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