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Performance of Proton-conducting Ceramic-electrolyte Fuel Cell with {BZCY40} electrolyte and {BSCF5582} cathode

By Lim, Dae-Kwang; Kim, Ji-Hye; Chavan, Archana U.; Lee, Tae-Ryong; Yoo, Young-Sung; Song, Sun-Ju
Published in Ceramics International 2016


Abstract In the present research, Proton conducting Ceramic electrolyte Fuel Cell (PCFC) has been fabricated with BaZr0.4Ce0.45Y0.15O3?? electrolyte, NiO-BaZr0.4Ce0.45Y0.15O3?? as anode and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3?? as a cathode material. The effects of anodic and cathodic gas flow rates and partial pressures on {PCFC} performance are studied by varying the gas flow rates between 50 and 200 sccm while partial pressures between 0.25 and 1 atm at one electrode by keeping constant gas flow rate and partial pressure at another electrode. The different electrode processes occurring at the electrodes and electrode/electrolyte interfaces are analyzed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It is observed that gas flow rate doesn

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