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Experimental and theoretical Raman study on the structure and microstructure of Li0.30La0.57TiO3 electrolyte prepared by the sol-gel method in acetic medium

By Romero, Mariano; Faccio, Ricardo; V
Published in Ceramics International 2016


Abstract In this report, we prepare {LLTO} ceramics by the sol-gel method in acetic medium. Raman spectroscopy showed the formation of lanthanum and titanium acetates precursors, which after calcination, lead to formation of the {LLTO} nanoparticles. Raman spectra were scanned directly over the {LLTO} pellets and the disappearance of impurities was observed during the microstructure evolution with increasing sintering temperature. X-ray diffraction characterization, including full pattern profile fitting refinements, showed no drastic changes in the unit cell parameters of the {LLTO} perovskite, but a large increase in the crystallite size domain was observed with increasing sintering temperature. Additionally, an interesting structural phase transition for the Li0.30La0.57TiO3 perovskite structure was observed, from tetragonal P4/mmm to distorted-cubic Pm-3m spacegroup, for the highest sintering temperature (Ts=1300

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