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Experimental investigation and modeling of the performance of pure and mixed surfactant inhibitors: Micellization and corrosion inhibition

By Zhu, Yakun; Free, Michael L.
Published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2016


Abstract Surfactants have been widely used as inhibitors for metal corrosion inhibition by their adsorption on metal surface to act as a protective film. The adsorption, however, is highly affected by surfactant micellization which needs a systemic study. An improved critical micelle concentration (cmc) prediction model is developed and validated to study micellization of various pure and mixed surfactants in aqueous solution containing salts (0-3 M). The effects of counterion and coion specificity on aggregation properties are successfully evaluated. The predicted aggregation properties, including critical micelle concentration (cmc), micelle shape, micelle aggregation number, and sphere-to-rod transition, agree well with experimental data. The cmc model, in combination with improved adsorption evaluation approach, the modified Langmuir adsorption and the modified quantitative structure activity relation, provides a method to evaluate the effects of micellization on surfactant adsorption and associated corrosion inhibition performance.

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