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Caterpillar-like Graphene Confining Sulfur by Restacking Effect for High Performance Lithium Sulfur Batteries

By Xu, Guiyin; Yuan, Jiaren; Geng, Xiumei; Dou, Hui; Chen, Liao; Yan, Xiaohong; Zhu, Hongli
Published in Chemical Engineering Journal 2017


Abstract Lithium sulfur batteries, one of the most promising energy storage methodologies for emerging electric vehicles, suffer from poor long-term cycling stability due to the shuttle effect caused by the dissolution of high order polysulfides. To enhance the cycling stability of sulfur cathode for high-energy lithium sulfur batteries, it is very critical to mitigating the dissolution of polysulfides. In this work, a caterpillar-like and reconfigurable graphene was designed to serve as the sulfur host. The caterpillar-like graphene highly expanded in solution and tightly restacked in dry condition due to the van der Waals force. Elemental sulfur was trapped and confined inside the restacked graphene layers. High mass loading of 63.8% sulfur in graphene was achieved after the caterpillar-like graphene was dried at 155

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