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Enhanced analysis of nanoporous gold by atom probe tomography

By El-Zoka, A. A.; Langelier, B.; Botton, G. A.; Newman, R. C.
Published in Materials Characterization 2017


Abstract Atom probe tomography (APT) analysis on nanoporous materials is typically a difficult task, owing to their inferior mechanical properties and their complex field evaporation behaviour, compared with solid consolidated materials. A method for pore infiltration by electrodeposition, detailed in this study, makes it possible to prepare {APT} samples of nanoporous gold (NPG) using conventional {FIB} processes, and obtain {APT} data of good quality with high yield. {APT} analysis of the {NPG} material, produced by dealloying, reveals detailed compositional variation within the structures of the nanoscale ligaments. Profiles of the ligaments show exteriors rich in Au, with Ag-rich cores that are very close to the original alloy composition. With this approach the extended analysis into {NPG} and other nanoporous materials becomes practical, using as a foundation for future work the sample preparation and analysis methodology of this study.

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