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Influence of sulfate-reducing bacteria on the corrosion behavior of 5052 aluminum alloy

By Guan, Fang; Zhai, Xiaofan; Duan, Jizhou; Zhang, Jie; Li, Ke; Hou, Baorong
Published in Surface and Coatings Technology 2017


Abstract Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are a major bacterial group involved in microbiologically influenced corrosion. The interaction between {SRB} and metals had been the focus of numerous investigations. In this paper, the interaction between {SRB} and 5052 aluminum alloy was studied using biological and electrochemical methods. Electrochemical analysis suggested that the corrosion rate of the aluminum alloy was accelerated substantially by SRB. This effect was based on the consumption of hydrogen, which in return promoted {SRB} metabolic activity. Deeper and larger micropits were found on alloy surfaces immersed in SRB. Energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses demonstrated that the concentration of Al on the surface of samples immersed with {SRB} was lower, while the concentrations of C, O, and S were higher than those without SRB. The results give an insight into clarifying the interaction between {SRB} and Al.

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