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Influence of surface oxygen groups on V(II) oxidation reaction kinetics

By Taylor, Susan M.; P?tru, Alexandra; Fabbri, Emiliana; Schmidt, Thomas J.
Published in Electrochemistry Communications 2017


Abstract The role of surface oxygen groups on the kinetics of the V(II) oxidation reaction was studied on modified glassy carbon (GC) electrodes by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The reaction was found to be sensitive to the presence of oxygen groups on the electrode surface. Higher O/C ratios determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) corresponded to higher reactivities and lower charge transfer resistances measured in a 1 M V(II) electrolyte. The stability of an oxidised {GC} surface was also investigated in a 1 M V(II) electrolyte by potential holding and cycling experiments. It was found that after holding and cycling to successively more negative potentials up to ? 0.8 V/RHE, the electrode surface lost its initial reactivity.

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