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PdO/TiO2 nanobelt heterostructures with high photocatalytic activities based on an exposed highly active facet on ultrathin TiO2 nanobelts

By Wang, Yana; Li, Haidong; Chen, Guohui; Wang, Zhou; Sang, Yuanhua; Liu, Hong
Published in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2017


Abstract Combining the high photocatalytic activity of {P25} (anatase/rutile bi-phase nanoparticle) and the good recycling property of TiO2 nanobelts is a promising approach for the preparation of high performance photocatalysts. In this work, through controlling the volume ratio of the component of organic solvent, bi-phase ultrathin TiO2 nanobelts consisting of both anatase and rutile phases have been successfully synthesized via a one-step solvothermal process by using tetrabutyl titanate as the Ti source and acetic acid/N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as the blended organic solvent. Compared with single phase TiO2, the bi-phase TiO2 nanobelts display a superior photocatalytic activity under ultraviolet light irradiation. Based on the refinement result of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of TiO2 nanobelts, the ratio of anatase and rutile phases in the as-synthesized TiO2 nanobelts were calculated to be 90.8 wt% and 9.2 wt%, respectively. Scanning electron microscope and high resolution transmission electron microscope images demonstrated that the thickness of the nanobelts is only 3

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