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Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Flooding Caused by Residual Functional Groups after Platinum Atomic Layer Deposition

By Lubers, Alia M.; McNeary, William W.; Ludlow, Daryl J.; Drake, Austin W.; Faust, Matthias; Maguire, Megan E.; Kodas, Maila U.; Seipenbusch, Martin; Weimer, Alan W.
Published in Electrochimica Acta 2017


Abstract Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) catalysts manufactured using atomic layer deposition (ALD) on unmodified and functionalized carbon were compared to a commercial catalyst in half- and whole-cell tests. Half-cell tests showed the {ALD} catalyst performed better or comparable to a commercial catalyst. Conversely, whole-cell tests revealed flooding in the {ALD} catalyst produced on functionalized carbon. Residual functional groups had reduced the hydrophobicity, and rendered this catalyst impractical for use in whole-cell {PEMFC} applications. However, the {ALD} catalyst produced on unmodified carbon performed better than the commercial catalyst, which illustrates the power of {ALD} on appropriate catalyst supports.

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