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Synergistic effect of temperature and {HCl} concentration on the degradation of {AISI} 410 stainless steel

By Krell, Paul D.; Li, Shengxi; Cong, Hongbo
Published in Corrosion Science 2017


Abstract The corrosion behavior of {AISI} 410 stainless steel was investigated in relatively dilute {HCl} solutions with different concentrations and temperature levels. General corrosion occurred at pH < 1.5 while pitting occurred at 2.25 ? pH ? 4.25. Important pitting parameters were evaluated as a function of both temperature and {HCl} concentration. Critical temperature (Tcrit) increased linearly with pH. Below Tcrit, passive film remained largely intact and sporadic metastable pitting initiated from non-metallic inclusions. Above Tcrit, passivity was completely destroyed and black film consisting of oxy-hydroxide and hydrated oxide formed. Sigma-phase particles were found in this steel and remained un-corroded.

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