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Template-free synthesis of nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbons for {CO2} adsorption and supercapacitor electrodes

By Bing, Xuefeng; Wei, Yanju; Wang, Mei; Xu, Sheng; Long, Donghui; Wang, Jitong; Qiao, Wenming; Ling, Licheng
Published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2017


Abstract Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbons (NHPCs) with controllable nitrogen content were prepared via a template-free method by direct carbonization of melamine-resorcinol-terephthaldehyde networks. The synthetic approach is facile and gentle, resulting in a hierarchical pore structure with modest micropores and well-developed meso-/macropores, and allowing the easy adjusting of the nitrogen content in the carbon framework. The micropore structure was generated within the highly cross-linked networks of polymer chains, while the mesopore and macropore structure were formed from the interconnected 3D gel network. The as-prepared {NHPC} has a large specific surface area of 1150 m2

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