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Compositional engineering of VOPcPhO-TiO2 nano-composite to reduce the absolute threshold value of humidity sensors

By Azmer, Mohamad Izzat; Aziz, Fakhra; Ahmad, Zubair; Raza, Ehsan; Najeeb, Mansoor Ani; Fatima, Noshin; Bawazeer, Tahani M.; Alsoufi, Mohammad S.; Shakoor, R. A.; Sulaiman, Khaulah
Published in Talanta 2017


Abstract This research work demonstrates compositional engineering of an organic-inorganic hybrid nano-composites for modifying absolute threshold of humidity sensors. Vanadyl-2,9,16,23-tetraphenoxy-29H,31H-phthalocyanine (VOPcPhO), an organic semiconductor, doped with Titanium-dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) has been employed to fabricate humidity sensors. The morphology of the VOPcPhO:TiO2 nano-composite films has been analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The sensors have been examined over a wide range of relative humidity i.e. 20

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