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Screen-Printed PEDOT:PSS Electrodes on Commercial Finished Textiles for Electrocardiography

By Sinha, Sneh K.; Noh, Yeonsik; Reljin, Natasa; Treich, Gregory M.; Hajeb-Mohammadalipour, Shirin; Guo, Yang; Chon, Ki H.; Sotzing, Gregory A.
Published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017


Electrocardiography (ECG) is an essential technique for analyzing and monitoring cardiovascular physiological conditions such as arrhythmia. This article demonstrates the integration of screen-printed ECG circuitry from a commercially available conducting polymer, PEDOT:PSS, onto commercially available finished textiles. ECG signals were recorded in dry skin conditions due to the ability of PEDOT:PSS to function as both ionic and electronic conductors. The signal amplifies when the skin transpires water vapor or by applying a common lotion on the skin. Finally, PEDOT:PSS wires connected to PEDOT:PSS electrodes have been shown to record ECG signals comparable to Ag/AgCl connected to copper wires.

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