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Discovery and Characterization of a Pourbaix-Stable, 1.8 eV Direct Gap Bismuth Manganate Photoanode

By Newhouse, Paul F.; Reyes-Lillo, Sebastian E.; Li, Guo; Zhou, Lan; Shinde, Aniketa; Guevarra, Dan; Suram, Santosh K.; Soedarmadji, Edwin; Richter, Matthias H.; Qu, Xiaohui; Persson, Kristin; Neaton, Jeffrey B.; Gregoire, John M.
Published in Chemistry of Materials 2017


Solar-driven oxygen evolution is a critical technology for renewably synthesizing hydrogen- and carbon-containing fuels in solar fuel generators. New photoanode materials are needed to meet efficiency and stability requirements, motivating materials explorations for semiconductors with (i) band-gap energy in the visible spectrum and (ii) stable operation in aqueous electrolyte at the electrochemical potential needed to evolve oxygen from water. Motivated by the oxygen evolution competency of many Mn-based oxides, the existence of several Bi-containing ternary oxide photoanode materials, and the variety of known oxide materials combining these elements with Sm, we explore the Bi

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