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Fabrication and characterization of multifunctional Fe/TiO2 composite coatings

By Protsenko, V. S.; Tsurkan, A. V.; Vasil'eva, E. A.; Baskevich, A. S.; Korniy, S. A.; Cheipesh, T. O.; Danilov, F. I.
Published in Materials Research Bulletin 2018


Composite Fe/TiO2 coatings were electrodeposited using environmentally friendly colloidal methanesulfonate electrolytes. A sol of titania nano-particles was synthesized by means of precipitation technique. The electrodeposition parameters and the properties of composite coatings were compared with those typical of analogous composite electrodeposits produced from the plating bath containing suspended commercially available nano-powder Degussa P25. The electrodeposition process obeys the modified Guglielmi's model. The incorporation of TiO2 dispersed phase into iron matrix results in an appreciable increase in the microhardness due to dispersion strengthening. The microhardness of deposits obtained from electrolyte with the addition of nano-sized titania sol exceeds that which is observed for coatings produced from the bath containing aggregated Degussa P25 TiO2 particles. The introduction of dioxide titanium particles into Fe matrix yields photocatalytic properties towards the reaction of organic dye degradation and improves electrocatalytic performance towards hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions.

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